Monday, November 25, 2013

The Man With The Plan. A Plan, Anyway.

Plan:  A set of intended actions, usually mutually related, through which one expects to achieve a goal.  

The other lesson the trials and tribulations of Little Westside Jonny brought back out into the bright light of day is this: I don't know what's best for me.  This is a lesson, regrettably, that doesn't seem to stick with me for very long.  I fall under the Grand Illusion that I'm the man with the plan.  I'm the man with his head up his ass, is exactly what I am.  I wouldn't know a good plan if it was deep-fried and covered in chocolate and served up on fine china.

I do, however, have a good handle on my actions.  I know when I'm behaving well and when I'm not.  For the most part.  Sometimes my instincts wrestle away control of my vehicle away and I go careening off into the ravine but most of the time I've got a feel for good actions versus bad actions.  Guilt and fear can warp everything into a totally unrecognizable shape, but if I do the work I can usually work through this part.

So I act.  And then I wait and see.  I'll know what god's will for me is in short order.

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