Monday, November 11, 2013

Infallible:  Without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy.  .

One of my favorite things to do at the end of a meeting is to sprint for the door but not actually go out through the door - I stand there as kind of a reverse-welcoming committee.  I don't like being someone who is actually on a welcoming committee because that entails way more human-to-human contact, and I don't really like people all that much.  People are the worst.  The Exit Committee is a lot easier because there are a lot of other people at meetings who also hate people and they can't wait to get out the door and down the road.

Actually, I don't hate anyone.  I dislike most of them but hate is a really terrible emotion.  I hate Brussels sprouts and ideologues but not people.  

When I was getting sober I traveled a lot.  I went to a meeting every day, often meetings I had never attended before.  I introduced myself as a visitor then was astonished at how often I was totally ignored when the meeting ended.  I was new and I frequently needed to talk so this was problematic. I understand that if I want to meet people I should stick my hand out - this is why I'm on the Exit Committee - but I also think for the first few years it's not easy for a lot of us, especially traumatized introverts like me.  So I try to make sure that everyone feels welcome.  It's easy to spot the guy standing by himself after the meeting and that's who I approach, even when I want to talk to my friends.

So I was at a regular meeting this weekend and I spoke to a young woman that I knew casually who was trying to get the hell through the door before this hipster doofus said anything.  I inquired after her daughter.

"Well," she said, kindly.  "I don't have a daughter.  I'm way too selfish for that."

I looked at her suspiciously, judgmentally. "I really think you're wrong," I replied.

"No, no I'm not," she said.

"Isn't it possible that you got pregnant, went through labor, and then raised a child without remembering it?" I insisted.

"Can you find someone else to talk to?" she said.

Actually, she was very nice about it.  We are very nice people and we try to make everyone feel comfortable.  I was okay with my gaffe - I'm pretty good about remembering faces and names and a little tidbit about most people but I'm not infallible.  

Well, actually I am infallible.  I did this on purpose.

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