Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Listen to My Own Advice

I spoke at meeting this week.  I was brilliant, of course.  That goes without saying.  Funny, warm, insightful, capable of solving all of the world’s problems with a wave of my magic wand.

And then I woke up, and I was still me.

Anyway, people were sharing about some of the stresses associated with the holiday season.  I've been through a number of holidays and I'm OK today with the whole deal.  I'm not suggesting that this peace of mind wasn't hard earned and slow to come but I no longer take the holidays that seriously.

"What did you get last year?" my sponsor asked me.  "You don't remember, do you?  Then how important was it?"

The jist of my share was that it's not that important.  By "that" I mean "anything."  It's going to be OK.  I don't even know what the topic is but I know it's going to be OK.  I realize this doesn't sound too profound but, man, is there any advice more appropriate to any situation than that?  In my case everything has worked out in the long run.  I just have to trust in the process even though the current moment might be uncomfortable.

I talk the talk but do I walk the walk?  We moved yesterday.  Everything went very well but a move is a move is a move; in a word: traumatic.  Today I try not to make unimportant things important and I also make sure that I don't pretend that stressful things aren't stressful.  I was lying in bed last night, hyperventilating, battling an anxiety attack, wondering where all of that insightful advice had gone.  I'm an alcoholic; I can find the problem in any situation.

Uh, it's going to be OK?

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