Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sponsor: "Are You Still Talking?"

I've always considered myself to be in the general range of a 5 year old emotionally.  You know, lies a lot, throws tantrums, hates pain.  I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm offending most 5 year olds when I say that.  Anyway, the point being that I rarely listen to what people say but I do keep a sharp eye out on how they behave, like most children.

SuperK and I did some hiking last week.  Not overnight, back-country hiking but not a gentle stroll on a paved path, either.  In my mind, of course, I'm scaling Mt. Everest by myself, and I try to give my fellow hikers, most of whom could beat me up while bound and gagged and heavily sedated, the impression I know what I'm doing.

As we finished up our hike we began to overtake a family on the final few paved yards.  The dad was carrying his daughter on his shoulders and the mom was bending over to pick some flowers.  Horrors!  Leave no mark on the trail is the code of the Mt. Everest Scaling Club.  I pondered a corrective statement, then decided to walk on by, silently.

As I passed I could see that the little girl -- cute in the way of all 2 years olds -- was carrying a handful of dandelions.  I'm no botanist but I believe this plant falls in the category of noxious weed.

I really wish I had said something.

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