Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I'm having some more trouble understanding exactly what the proper use of my will is.  You'd think that after a while I'd get the hang of it.  And it's not that there aren't a lot of good tools available to me.  Our literature really tries to address this issue.  It explains in great detail that a lot of our problems arise when we try to bludgeon the world with our wills.  I don't think that it says that we should lose our will entirely and flop around like a fish out of water.  We aren't supposed to be will-less.  Rather we need to learn how to use our wills in an appropriate manner.  I figured my will was a great battering ram.  I'm the general of an army of mongol hordes with burning torches using my will to break down the door to the castle.

I get to fire my will up every morning.  This is permitted in a spiritual life.  My will growls like a 70s muscle car with a bad muffler.  I should fix the muffler.  I run into difficulties when I get into traffic or forget to open the garage door before I floor the accelerator.  When I'm working a somewhat good program I start to get a feel for the ebb and flow of life.  Sometimes I pull into the street and it's a nice day and there isn't any traffic and I get that bad boy cranked up and moving fast toward whatever it is I want to get to.  But sometimes I need to inch along, in a snowstorm falling on rush hour traffic.

I don't believe we need to lose the will.  Just get a net over the damn thing.

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