Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Unnatural Tendencies.

Tendency:  An inclination or disposition to  move in a particular direction or act in a certain way, especially as a result of some inherent quality or habit.

I have a tendency -- a strong tendency -- to imagine that the worst is going to happen.  I may have mentioned this in the past.  I may have droned on and on about it interminably.  I really have no idea.  I'm lucky if I can find my car keys or the glass of water I poured 28 seconds ago.  My future would be bright if I could figure out how to get paid for walking around in mismatched clothes mumbling to myself.  I feel a strong kinship to people who do that.

"That poor soul, " SuperK will say if we see someone who dresses in a similar fashion.
"Maybe he's looking for his glass of water," I'll say.
"You know," she'll say.  "He has a little better sense of fashion than you do."

A few years ago I noticed that our mass media was increasingly obsessed with whatever bad thing was happening or might happen in the future, no matter how ridiculous or implausible said bad thing might be.  Remember swine flu?  Bird flu?  SARS?  Little girls being abducted by deranged loaners?  Don't travel, or you'll die in a bear attack or shark strike or terrorist incident!  Do you know anyone who got bird flu?  Neither do I.

I quit listening.  I've found that meditation is a better way to spend my time.  I have enough trouble trying to remain positive without the encouragement of people who are trying to attract viewers by scaring the shit out of everyone.  Apparently it's easier to show pictures of the guy recovering from the bear attack than to try to tease out the differences in the Mideast peace process.

Anyway, remember to be very aware of your surroundings today.

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