Monday, June 28, 2010

Quirky Feedback

Quirk: A peculiarity, peculiar trait, or mannerism

As a general rule, I don't care what people think of me. While I don't go out of my way to act like an ass anymore -- it comes so naturally that I don't have to make a special effort -- I don't do the chameleon, presto-chango, Horseface Steve becomes DonkeyHead Don becomes MuleTeeth Mike thing, either. I used to break my back trying to make sure everyone loved me. And if someone didn't like me or I thought someone didn't like me -- perception being 9/10s of the law -- I would become obsessed with changing their opinion. I LOVE people who don't like me. They're my favorite kind of people. I'm drawn to them like a moth to a flame.

So somebody looked at the house yesterday and didn't like it. They called it "quirky." Probably, the real estate agent responsible for the "feedback" (translation: I don't remember what my customers said and it's really not that important to me to help you out) made some stuff up to get us off the phone.

"Quirky?" I said. "What the hell does that mean? The house isn't quirky."
"No. No, of course not," SuperK said, eyeing my pork pie hat and long, grey hair flying all over the place. "Why would you like something that's quirky?"

I kind of took it personally. Which is funny because ordinarily, if you said you didn't like my house, I'd think: Who the hell cares what you like? Now it's an extension of me. And money is involved.

Money money money money.

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