Monday, June 21, 2010

Advice or Just Vice?

"Live and Let Live" has got to be one of the most irritating of the many irritating slogans that can be seen in the frames that hang on the walls of so many meetings all over the world. For someone like me who has a brilliant insight on how everyone else should live their lives it is particularly frustrating. None of the slogans apply to me, and this one is no exception. I'm sure that it's disappointing for other people, too, and it's the feelings of other people that are most important to me, assuming that I have some spare time after I'm done thinking about myself, which is a rare and unusual occurrence. It's a full time job thinking about myself.

After all, I've been so successful managing my own life that I feel the need to help you manage yours. Give me a call if you want to learn how to throw up properly; lose, wreck, or sleep in a car; or to alienate everybody else who comes within a 100 miles of you -- these are my three areas of expertise. I'm like the neighbor who steps out of his burning house that has been sinking into a swamp to help you understand the finer points of Bonsai gardening.

"Uh, any plans to replace the roof on your house?" my neighbors would ask. "Or the front door?"

Busy bodies.

Today I figure if someone wants my advice that they'll ask for it.

No one ever asks for it.

I don't ask any of my friends for advice and I have some pretty cool friends. When I do ask for advice, I never do anything that anyone suggests, so they have pretty much given up dispensing any suggestions.

Why in the world would I think I can run someone else's life? I can't remember if I've actually said something or just thought it.

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