Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Mirror: To reflect, as in a mirror; give or show a likeness.

One thing I find interesting about myself is how easily I can justify behavior when I perceive that it's in my own self-interest. I can behave well, poorly, and all levels in between and rationalize what I'm doing until the cows come home, even though I don't have any cows or any place to keep them and, frankly, I'm scared to death of cows. They're huge animals. I won't even get started with bulls.

While alcoholics can get all jiggy with self-justification we don't have the market cornered on the practice. I see people act one way then say something altogether different, oblivious to the hypocrisy. I try to stay wary of leveling criticism at others; all too often I find the same behavior in myself. I like to stay aware of the concept that if someone upsets me then I better do a spot check inventory.

This is why.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

We all do selfish things without realizing it. It is amazing how strong our self preservation instincts are . They often render us deaf, dumb and blind to our own selfish actions. This is why we have to keep reminding each other that we are all in the same boat and it stays afloat a lot better with a team effort.