Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Same Stuff, Again and Again

 Today's meeting was sort of a Greatest Hits for Seaweed kind of meeting.  It nudged my memory on a number of topics.  To recap:

1.  Painful stuff is going to happen.  Deal with it.  Learn from it.  The lessons will be invaluable and the messages may not be revealed until later. 

2.  Quit running from, hiding from, avoiding, and denying painful stuff.  You aren't special.  You will be tested.

3.  Restraint of tongue and pen and social posting.  My tendency is to find the source of the painful stuff and attack it.  There is no better way of making the painful stuff more painful than running my mouth, my pen, and clicking on my keyboard.

4.  Painful stuff is going to happen.  Wait . . . I already forgot that I said that.

5.  One Day at a Time, One Minute at a Time, One Action at a Time.  All of these little steps add up to a long journey.  Each day  I stay sober I'm a little stronger, each time I act in kindness and understanding instead of anger and resentment I'm a little kinder and more understanding and a little less angry and resentful.

6.  I'm the one with The Program.  I have access to the literature, the meetings, the people, and decades of accumulated experience, strength, and hope, and I still act like an asshole half the time.  I put hours and hours each week into recovery and spiritually and I'm still 50% jerk.  So when I run into someone or something I find intolerable it's going to be my responsibility to be the bigger dude.  No more tit for tat.  

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