Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Selfless Seaweed, Master of The Ego

Ego:  The self, especially with a sense of self-importance (Ed. Note: I'm calling bullshit on any definition that uses the word that is being defined.  Bullshit.)

Perhaps necessary for survival in some evolutionary bygone, in modern times it leads only to (albeit often disguised) misanthropic beliefs and delusion.

I got my haircut yesterday.  I don't enjoy getting my hair cut.  Part of this is because I like my hair long - it feeds some kind of self-image that I cultivate - and part is that I don't like sitting in a chair chit-chatting with someone who is hacking my hair off.  I'm too important to waste my time grooming myself.  I'm not an orangutan.  And I've not found anyone else to pick pests off the surface of my body or clean me with a vigorous tongue lashing.

Anyway, the haircut cost a very reasonable $17.50.  I generally try to tip generously.  I think most people who rely on tips for their livelihood work hard at honorable professions for which they're underpaid.  I'm blessed with some extra money and I feel it's my duty to spread a teeny, tiny, itsy bit of it around.  I gave the woman $30 and told her I was good.  She thanked me and that was that.

I, personally, was goddamned impressed with the tip.  The stylist, in my opinion, less so.  "Thanks" was indeed an expression of gratitude but I was looking for a much more effusive expression: "Wow, you are an incredible person.  This made my day.  I haven't ever received a tip this big," something along those lines.

Another good deed done by me, selflessly.

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