Monday, April 22, 2019

Hell is Other People

Solitude:  State of being alone or solitary; by oneself.
Isolation:  Set apart or cut off from others.

"I do not want people to be agreeable - it saves me the trouble of liking them."  Jane Austen

As I ponder the current state of my always metastasizing angst I have come up with some answers.  They are probably not the correct answers but I never let truth or effectiveness or reality interfere with the solutions that my brain presents to me.  The thoughts are mine, thusly very good and powerful and right.  The tricky thing about my angst is that can be cancerous in a growing, malignant sense - the solutions that have been effective in the past often don't work in the present.  My angst is like a relationship that way - always growing, always changing, never very far away, impossible to ignore.

Angst:  Emotional turmoil; painful sadness; a feeling of acute but vague anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression, especially philosophical anxiety.

"I don't hate people - I just feel better when they aren't around."  Charles Bukowski

Anyway, it's becoming clearer that I have metastasized from healthy solitude to troublesome isolation.  This is not unusual - I do this from time to time, part and parcel of being an introvert combined with my general disdain for most human life forms.  It's becoming clearer that I need to shift into People Mode with some vigor, even with things that can be done alone.

"I love mankind - it's people I can't stand!"  Linus

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