Saturday, February 9, 2019

Here and There

"He stood in the Presence of Infinite Power and Love."

Here's an interesting fun fact: "love" appears 58 times in the BB and 12&12.  "Hate" appears 4 times.  Those kooky founders knew what they were doing.

Here's a repeat of another fun fact: love has a short definition that really falls flat - very bland and non-descriptive - while hate is richly detailed with many, many synonyms.  Maybe it's like Bedouins having dozens of ways to describe a sandstorm but none for blizzard.

One more: whenever a word is capitalized in The Big Book that's a hint that the founders were talking about a Higher Power.

A Buddhist flight of fancy . . . 
Don't fight negative thoughts.  Don't try to suppress anxiety.  Acknowledge them as dispassionately as possible and then move your awareness back to the positive.  The last thing that's going to be helpful to do is to try to control your feelings.  I think the idea is to experience them without judgment, to stop slotting them into good and bad.  They're just feelings.  They're not you.

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