Sunday, March 12, 2017

Working the InterWeb

I spent some time scrolling through various InterWeb posts that popped up as a result of my search: Pain After A Root Canal.  I think I should have searched for information on Having Brain Permanently Removed.  Is it possible to live without your brain?  I can see how my life would be less complicated if I didn't have one of those troublesome organs.  My understanding is that it's hard to get along without a brain stem which controls blood pressure and heart rate and internal temperature and other basic maintenance functions but do we really need the other stuff?  In my case it seems to be more of a burden than a blessing.

Yesterday my tooth felt fine.  Today, a little less fine as the day progressed.  This would seem to be as it should be seeing as I had my mouth brutalized not 48 hours ago.  Still, it's more fun to project disaster and the InterWeb didn't disappoint.  One of my favorite commentaries on medical web sites comes from - you guessed it - The Simpson's where one of the characters, fearful that she's having a stroke, finds that one of the surest indicators is a strong fear that you're having a stroke.  Self-fulfilling prophesy indeed.

As I left the swim club today I chatted for a while with a woman who has really been struggling with her teeth.  She showed up wearing braces a while back - at 53 years of age - so I've been inquiring after her health.  It turns out that she and her husband - a teacher - took out a $29,000 loan to pay for this work.  It surely made my problems shrink a bit.

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