Friday, October 21, 2016

Look Out For The Locomotive

There's a saying in The Fellowship warning about the danger of the first drink - it proceeds along the lines of "it's not the caboose that kills you."  It's very popular to blame a long night of drinking for the fact that most of your front teeth have mysteriously vanished when the problem is that at some point you've decided that a drink - just one drink - would be a good idea.  It's not the last drink that gets you.

Something for me in the last few months was the Last Straw.  I feel like I've been standing in the ocean and I've been hit by several big waves.  While they're all the same size there have been a lot of them.  Still, it's the last wave that swept me out to sea.

There's another story about a guy whose cat really pisses him off first thing in the morning.  Admirably, he refrains from booting the cat through some distant goal posts but the irritation stays with him, building over the course of the day as more minor instances take on an out-sized importance.  Eventually he does something really stupid.

"Should have kicked the cat," his wife says.  

Don't let stuff build up.

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