Saturday, June 18, 2016

Stewed Seaweed

I fucking stewed about this financial guy all day (btw, my blogs on the financial guys are inordinately popular with my small readership, a solid indication that I'm not the only dude who hates it when someone else has their hands on said dude's money). Took my nap; had a nice half hour meditation; picked up the phone and called the guy, who said: "Oh, yeah, I got your email this morning (he didn't mention the email I sent on Monday - maybe he didn't get it or maybe he deleted it or maybe, maybe something else). I just haven't filled out the papers yet.  Let's set up an appointment - that'll force me to get them all ready."

Yeah, well, screw me?  Screw you.  It seems to me that the undercurrent of thought here was that I was expected to bother him so that he does his job.

It's so hard to figure out whether I'm upset because I need to take an action and I'm afraid to do so or because I need to wait patiently, and I HATE to wait patiently.  Here, I needed to take an action.  BUT I needed to wait for a couple of days before I acted because rash action would have been brewed in anger, marinated in resentment, and then I would have behaved poorly, because I was angry.

I'll say this: my comment - after the paperwork is submitted - will be to ask the guy why in the world would I invest any of my dad's money with him when he was so casual about getting money released to me?  I can't figure people out all of the time. Most of the time.  Any of the time.  He knows how much money is involved and he wouldn't take the time to fill out the papers.  I mean - am I missing something here? What is the matter with people?   

Maybe this guy isn't thinking about me.

Post Script: I had my meeting.  I didn't say any of the stuff that I had practiced and practiced.  I didn't say any of it.  I was pretty sure I wasn't going to say any of it before I went in to see him and I didn't come close.  All of the anger had leaked out of my Furious Balloon.  Much of the delay wasn't his fault and I wasn't mad at the part that was his fault and who really cares anyway?  It's not like my life changed one way or another.

This damn Program, anyway.

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