Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Even Steven

I was able to pick a tangerine from the tree in my neighbor's yard and eat it as part of my breakfast today.  And I have been pre-authorized to do this - by the neighbor - who owns the tree, relieving me of the burden of sneaking over and stealing a tangerine, unauthorized.  Cannot TELL you how cool this is.

So . . . because I recently shared, by popular demand, a pool etiquette story I'm going to revive more tall tales, of misery and woe and total unfairness, about the run-flat tires on my Very Expensive Car, even though this car is 7 years old and not that expensive any more.  The manufacturer of this car installs run-flat tires in the interest of weight management and distribution - according to their Very Slick Website - although I suspect that the real reason is that they get to charge the same amount of money for the automobile even though they don't provide a spare tire, jack, and the like, probably all for the good in my case.  I just can't see myself squatting on the verge of a busy CA highway fucking around with a flimsy jack that is tenuously supporting a car that has to weigh two tons, while my arms are under said car.  It would be easier for me if I just asked SuperK to whack me on the hands with a jack - or other iron rod, since I don't actually have a jack - than to wait for the car to fall on me in an inconvenient location.

Anyway, a small light was activated on the dash of my car alerting me to a low tire.  I squirted some air into the tire and the light went out temporarily.  It's back on.  I have an appointment to have the tire inspected where I'm sure some guy is going to tell me that this almost brand new tire is no good and could I please shell out $400 for another one?  Another feature of tires such as these is that they can't be repaired.  I have been briefly annoyed by this.  I guess my growth is that I spend less and less time worrying about things in the future that involve money that I can actually afford.

Here's the funny thing: the very next day I got a note from my father informing me that I'm going to get a small sum of money from an investment that my dear, departed mother had instructed be divvied up between dad, my sister, and me.  While I realize that life isn't set up to work like this routinely I'm also amazed at how often shit like this happens.  And I'm totally projecting the outcome of the tire escapade and I'm totally projecting a bad outcome even though that is not routinely the case.

Even Steven.

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