Friday, March 25, 2016

A Dubious Community

Community:  A group sharing a common understanding and often the same language, manners, tradition, and law.

Our meeting this morning centered around the fact that most of us stumble into The Rooms mighty distrustful of other people and are mighty surprised to find out how wonderful it is to find a place where there are people who seem to understand us.  Most of us had only a vague notion as to how thoroughly isolated we were and how injurious it was to be so alone.  I sat and drank and thought for so long that I was convinced that the shit I was coming up with in my own head made some kind of sense.  I did a lot of journaling when I was still drinking and I occasionally read this stuff.  I can tell you that there was a lot of weird stuff in there.  I have no IDEA how I managed to convince myself that this stuff made sense.

I make sure to differentiate alone time - as an introvert this is a very important part of my make-up - with isolation - as an alcoholic I have a long and storied history of wandering off on my own, to think weird thoughts and convince myself that they need to be thought.

Talk some of the time.  Listen most of the time.

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