Tuesday, September 30, 2014


From our literature:
"The spiritual substance of anonymity is sacrifice.  Because our Twelve Traditions repeatedly ask us to give up personal desires for the common good, we realize that the sacrificial spirit - well symbolized by anonymity - is the foundation of them all."

And from Yoga's Precepts of Social Discipline:  
Satya:  Truthfulness.  Note that sometime we may know that our words are literally true, but do not convey what we know to be truthful.  This is a child's game.  Satya means not intending to deceive others in our thoughts, as well as our words and actions.

I never like to hear that I can't bend my words so that I can lie but claim that I'm not lying, technically.  Anyone can just lie.  That's easy.  I'm a spectacular liar, exhibiting a natural ability to lie and combining that with many years of diligent practice.  If I had spent as much time studying as I did lying I'd be an astro-physicist right now, whatever that is.  The real skill comes in feinting and parrying, looking left and going right, and convincing someone that something that isn't true is, in fact, true, all while not letting any technically lying words pass my lying lips.

Think about it - who can do that?

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