Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thumb Bashings

My main man Willie is on the move again.  Apparently he's taken a liking to moving a bunch of times for reasons that are dubious at best.  There's nothing as relaxing as buying and selling houses, packing up all of your crap and moving it a long distance, all while ripping out well-established roots with violence and prejudice, and then trying to fit in someplace new, all while doubting and second-guessing the whole sorry enterprise.

Here's the thing: everywhere I got there I am!  The Men living inside my head are hot on my trail.  That's one reason I don't try to get too perfect with anything - I know I'm going to be just as unhappy in short order.

It's all very upsetting and all very exciting.  I like exciting.  I hate upsetting.  Can't figure out how to cleave the two asunder.  I believe, regrettably, that upsetting can be controlled.  I cling to the belief that I can make the upset go away as long as I manage the things well.  The idea that I can bargain away all emotional pain, psychic pain, is as ridiculous as believing that I can escape physical pain.  I can't bash my own thumb with a hammer - primarily because I'm forbidden to own a hammer or any other tools that can bash, cut, or pierce - and "manage" my way out of the pain.  I can deal with it appropriately but it's going to be with my for a while.

Doesn't stop me from trying.Ba

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