Saturday, February 12, 2011

You're Doing It Wrong

I've been "home," or whatever this is, for a few days and I've been to a few meetings, and I'm saddened to report that they are doing it wrong.  I can't see how anyone can stay sober if this is the way they are going to do things.  They should send some representatives back to my "home" . . . er, "away" state to see how it should be done. 

I got sober in a very nice and polite town and moved to Chicago for a number of years.  People in Chicago were pretty nice but not exceptionally polite.  When I started frothing about something or the other that was happening to me but shouldn't be happening they often didn't listen politely, at least not for long.  I was interrupted many, many times when I drifted off into Justification Land.

After a while I moved to another very nice and polite town where they didn't do it right.  They didn't do it right in Chicago, either, until they did it very well.  After a few months I traveled back to Chicago for a funeral.  One of my mother figures, Maryann Z, asked me how the meetings were in my new place.  She quickly cut me off as I started to explain exactly how they were doing it wrong.

"How many meetings a week do they have?" she asked.
"I don't know, several hundred," I guessed.
"Yeah, they need you, with your 18 months of sobriety, to fix the whole system.  The Program is just fine there.  Go home and go to some meetings and keep quiet," she said flatly.

I'm guessing Maryann couldn't pick me out of a police line-up right now, but I never forgot that advice.

It's not them.  It's me.

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