Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Deeeeeeeeep Storage

I have been digging through some more boxes that have not been thoroughly explored since The Big Move.  It's never a good sign when you are looking through Stuff that has been in a box for 2 months but hasn't been missed.  I kept thinking: "I bet there isn't going to be interesting Stuff in this box, either."  I believe I have gone on at some length about how much Stuff was brutally culled before we moved.  Clearly we weren't nearly brutal enough.

We have a few storage areas in our new house.  I worked in the main storage area today, the most accessable one containing the most important Stuff, and by that I mean Stuff that should have been thrown away before we moved instead of boxed up and trucked thousands of miles at great personal expense.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I kept shouting to SuperK from the bowels of the storage area.  "Who's idea was it to bring this?  This is a piece of crap!"

A couple of times I yelled: "What is this?  I've never seen this before!"

We have been trying to decide what pieces of Stuff should be transferred into an area that we have termed Deep Storage.  It's an area under the eaves on the third floor that requires the removal of a large dresser before you can even get to the door accessing the space.  We like to call this Deeeeeeeep Storage.  We use low, spooky voices when we say it like that.  This area is for Stuff that we can't even discuss among ourselves, let alone admit to outsiders, Stuff so crappy or useless or redundant that it's embarrassing to talk about.  This is not Stuff that should have been left behind; this is Stuff that should have been burned and the ashes scattered over a remote mountain in the Balkans instead.

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