Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kookaburras In A Rowboat

My Quiet Time this morning bore the following fruit. 

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

What a great song.  I could make a pretty good go of life if I followed the Row, Row, Row Your Boat instructions.  An alcoholic might interpret the song in the following manner:  OK, I might make the following interpretations, anyway.

Get up and take some action.
Do the work but it isn't necessary to kill yourself and get it all done today, and why don't you try pointing the %^!! boat downstream for a change instead of shooting the rapids in reverse.
Make a gratitude list.
Life isn't as serious as you think it is so don't get all self-important about yourself, if you do in fact exist.

There's a book called Life Is A Dream by a 17th century Spanish playwright named Pedro Calderon de la Barca.  Those crazy Latins do a great job of blurring the distinction between what we perceive as reality and harsh reality itself.

And then there's this one:

Kookaburra sitting in the old gum tree.
Merry, merry king of the bush is he.
Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra.
How gay your life must be.

I guess the word of the day is "merry.".  I listened to some videos of kookaburras and it's a stretch to call that squawking "laughing" but I still like the imagery of merry, happy, laughing birds.  The kookaburra is a funny looking little guy with a funny name.

I think my Higher Power was OK with this work.  If I asked, god could probably make a few suggestions about how I could improve things but he has lots of stuff to do and isn't at all worried about whether or not I'm Doing It Right.  It's the Doing It part he's most concerned about; the Right part is open to a lot of interpretation.  Meditating myself into a state of total Zen bliss or thinking idly about Australian birds is all pretty much the same to him.

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