Friday, January 15, 2010

The List

List: A series of names, words, numbers, etc. set forth in order, usually in writing; catalogue; roll.

I'm a big fan of The List. It helps me to jot down what I'd like to accomplish on a daily basis so that it's looking back up at me, like the shadowy face in a crystal ball, floating in a cloud of mist and smoke, talking in a moaning, spooky voice. I get myself in trouble when I try to organize a group of tasks in my head. They ricochet around in there and compete for my attention, each one of them screaming: "I'm the most important! Do me first! Do me NOW!"

Stupid tasks.

I find myself rather suddenly in a position where a lot of tasks have presented themselves, most of them rather important and some of them on the mildly urgent side. This has historically not been a good spot for me. I'm like the captain of a rickety boat. I'm putting along just fine when all of a sudden I spring a leak, a fire breaks out in the galley or in the kitchen, at least, and some pretty black storm clouds are forming on the horizon and a large seabird of some kind -- maybe an albatross -- has landed on the bow or the front of the boat and is pecking at my organic groats. I run around like a chicken with its head chopped off yelling: "Shoo! Fire! Ahhh! Run away!!!" and nothing gets done.

I don't have a sense of proportion. I don't have any patience or focus or the ability to take a deep breath and assess the situation calmly. I'm a panicker. I'm a panicker in a big hurry.

The list helps me see what is important and what is not. It helps me see what I can do quickly and what is going to take some time. Some of the things on my stupid lists require multiple steps, not all of which can be accomplished immediately. Sometimes I have to wait for someone else to get back to me. Sometimes I'm not sure what to do. I don't always get to sit there and steadily tally up accomplishments. Sometimes when I start digging around on a task that I thought was going to be easy it gets all nasty and complicated.

One thing at a time. I've heard that somewhere.

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