Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Doomed to an Alcoholic Death

"That's what this book is about.  It's main object is to enable you to find a Power greater than yourself which will solve your problem.  Our human resources, as marshalled by the will, are not sufficient, they fail us utterly."

I often ask newish people if they know why the Big Book was written.  The answer, inevitably, is no, not really, at which point I suggest they begin reading from the beginning until they find the answer.  Which comes on page 45 in the chapter There Is A Solution."  I don't think they very many people follow my suggestion but maybe it gives a few of them a start on the text.

"To be doomed to an alcoholic death or to live on a spiritual basis are not always easy alternatives to face."  This always cracks me up.  Another reminder that our desire to drink is stronger than anything.  Death . . . or a spiritual awakening?  How is that a question, even?  Insanity, a mental institution, a slow, lingering spiral downward, or finding a power greater than yourself?  Incredibly, astonishingly, at the beginning most of us hesitate at the choice.  This insanity is in the same vein as my rationale that I was too busy to dedicate myself full time to my recovery while acknowledging that I always found the money, I always found the time, and I always ignored the consequences when I wanted to drink or use.  Few and far in-between were the times when I was not able to justify my addictions.

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