Monday, March 10, 2025
It's Not MY Fault
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Looking Inside Myself
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Hanging On and Letting Go
Friday, March 7, 2025
It's What YOU Believe
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Keep Talking
A brand new dude talked recently about having suicidal thoughts and runaway anxiety attacks. This kind of thinking, although common in new people, is not normal and it is definitely not healthy. This is not the kind of thinking one should keep to oneself. I'm struck at how often people who have the courage to bring this stuff up are quick to brush it off by saying that they didn't have any serious thoughts about actually carrying it out, but I don't buy that. I think it's a self-justification to try to gloss over the abnormal behavior. Healthy people - reasonably healthy people - don't linger on these thoughts. This isn't the same thing as a teenaged boy getting rejected by a teenaged girl and throwing himself on his bed, certain that life isn't worth living. That's okay. An adult man battling anxiety is not in a good space if he is thinking this through past the overly dramatic phase. Planning on taking your own life is the first step in taking your own life and this is not a goal of our recovery program.
The first thing is to talk about this with someone else. Anyone else. These thoughts, unspoken, can take on a life of their own and gain terrible power. It's not hard to find someone in recovery who'll identify with anxiety and the occasional suicidal flight of fancy, as morbid a flight as it is - just touch the person to your left and to your right and you'll probably be two for two. And just as importantly, go get some professional help. I would never take medical or psychiatric advice from people in a meeting. There were fifty people at this meeting and I know almost all of them and I am certain there weren't any doctors or counselors in there. See a professional! Our book talks about how much help is available from pastors, doctors, psychiatrists, and how rarely we ask for this help. It also reminds us that these are controversial issues.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Art and Music and Nature and Hope The Dog God
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Doomed to an Alcoholic Death
Monday, March 3, 2025
Trying to Mind My Own Business
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Terrifying Step Work
I was at a meeting yesterday where the topic sort of devolved into a discussion of the Fourth Step - a through and searching personal inventory, written down on paper, using words, to prepare for the terrifying Fifth Step where we speak words, out loud, to a living human person who isn't deaf and understands the language that we're using - and also the Ninth Step - making direct amends to those we had wronged but only if there is no collateral damage of innocents. No one comes into Alcoholics Anonymous eager to do these Steps. No one who has been sober for any length of time whatsoever discounts how incredibly valuable doing them has been to their peace of mind.
"But of the things which really bother and burn us, we say nothing. Certain distressing or humiliating memories, we tell ourselves, ought not to be shared with anyone. These will remain our secret. Not a soul must ever know. We hope they'll go to the grave with us. . . . (But) this practice of admitting one's defects to another person is, of course, very ancient. It has been validated in every century, and it characterizes the lives of all spiritually centered . . . people."
I had a wonderfully peaceful Quiet Time prior to this meeting. One of those times where I was able to sit quietly and be where I was. This is not an easy skill to acquire - for me, anyway - and it has taken a long time and much practice to attain. But, man, to sit quietly! I did not know or understand how wonderful an experience that is, sitting in the moment and not jetting out into the future where terrible things are happening to me or wallowing in the messy bogs of my past, relitigating old grievances and regretting not letting loose little cruel witticisms that didn't occur to me at the time to justify how terribly I had been treated. And I was aware, listening to people talk about these Steps, how they were so necessary for me to get to that place.
Lotta work, this recovery and spiritual growth business. Well worth it.