Thursday, February 24, 2022

Am I A Dick?

 At the end of the day have I made the world a little better or a little worse?  That's a simple question and not one that's too hard to suss out.  Am I part of the solution or am I part of the problem?  Am I part of the disease or part of the cure?

Many years ago I got into a minor tiff with an airline employee.  I was fairly pissed but pretty restrained.  Or so I thought.

"Was that okay?" I asked SuperK.  "Was I a dick?"

"You were a dick," she said.  "You were a dick and you know exactly what I'm talking about."

I guess I thought that I should be slapped on the back because my behavior was so much less dickish than it used to be.  Sometimes, from time to time and on occasion, we need to stand up for ourselves.  The party trick is to do this with grace and courtesy and on the rare occasions when we actually do need to stand up for ourselves.  I'm pretty good at this but there's always room for improvement.

And now some words of wisdom from my favorite sage: Homer Simpson.

Homer (Self-righteously): "No, Homer Simpson does not lie twice on the same form.  He never has and he never will."

Marge:"You lied dozens of times on our mortgage application."

Homer (Patronizingly): "Yeah, but they were part of a single ball of lies."

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