Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Vibe

Truth:  Conformity to fact or reality; correctness, accuracy.

Opinion:  A subjective (Ed. Note: The italics are mine.) belief, judgement, or perspective that a person has formed about a topic, issue, person, or thing.

I am - or I try to be, anyhow - rigorous with my honesty.  I fall short but I strive mightily.  I have been distressed the last few days from what I perceive as a blatant disregard for the truth from our political class, a disregard that has been astoundingly effective in molding the opinions of an astoundingly large group of people, a real detriment to the healthy functioning of our entire society.  This tendency has become so blatant that facts are being subsumed by the ferocity and intensity of the lying.  Facts, when inconvenient to a preset narrative, are glossed over.  They are disregarded.  People are holding to be true the most ridiculous suppositions that can be easily researched and debunked.

If I feel self-righteous I call this stupidity.  With some balance and perspective I see that it's willful ignorance.  Calling someone stupid doesn't help anything.  In fact, in often hardens their resolve.

Boy, talk about stuff not under my control.

One of the topic facets at the morning meeting was Service.  Dammit.  I guess, instead of bitching, I have to help someone today.

My Higher Power, who has fiendishly clever sense of humor, compelled one of the ant-truthers (pro-liars?) who attends this meeting to call me when I was talking to my sponsor, a call I made because I was agitated and consequently prone to stupidity.  The anti-pro guy wanted to call himself out for a burst of intolerance he displayed at the meeting.  Service - whether I'm interested or not.

Energy: An intangible, modifiable force (often characterized as either positive or negative) believed to emanate from a person, place,or thing and which is (or can be) preserved and transferred in human interactions; shared mood or group habit; a vibe, a feeling, an impression.

Can't you just feel the energy that comes off of people, good or bad?  Half the time I don't even have to listen to what the person is saying because their vibe is so strong.  You can tell me all day about how good you're doing but if I feel that negative, judgmental energy wafting off of you I'm not going to believe it.

The Vibe, baby.  The juju.

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