Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Bitch, As A Verb

Bitch:  To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than to have the problem corrected. 

We're in the middle of a pandemic that has killed a whole lot of people; here in California churches are closed as are many public buildings; because these are the main sites for in-person AA meetings there obviously aren't very many in-person AA meetings; if I hear one more person, in a Zoom AA meeting, complain about Zoom AA meetings I'm going to throw my computer monitor right out the . . . well, I'm not actually going to throw my computer monitor anywhere . .  . but you have a sense of my irritated frustration at people complaining about things they cannot change.

Hmmm.  Where have I heard the phrase about the serenity to accept "things I cannot change?"

The other minor irritant is the group of people who want things "to go back to the way they used to be" managing to work little comments into their shares about how there is stuff happening right now that they don't like or they don't agree with.  I'm not sure I understand what was so great about things the way they used to be.  I'm not sure why anyone thinks that they're going to get their way.  What are we - five year olds looking for a candy breakfast?  I'm not sure why the people who are bitching about no in-person meetings don't go out and start an in-person meeting?  The weather's still very nice; we have tons of parks where folks could bring chairs and masks and see each other while socially distancing; how about shutting your trap and go out and starting a meeting?  I don't go to meetings to hear people complain about the meeting I'm in.

I think people like bitching.

OK, now that I'm done bitching I'd like to mention that a friend of mine in AA who spent almost 25 years in prison is celebrating 14 years of sobriety today.  He's been out for maybe 5 years so he obviously got sober while he was locked up.  So I'm going to have a lot of sympathy for people who don't prefer Zoom AA meetings?  Jesus Christ on a stick, give me a break.  When I was getting sober in the Upper Midwest I had to haul my ass out into the sleet and snow and freezing cold to drive in the dark to a frigid church basement to go to meetings, so I'm going to complain about sitting in front of computer monitor, in my pajamas, drinking a cup of coffee?  

Not me, dude.

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