Saturday, May 2, 2020

Problems Steve

Problem versus Solution.  

"We have been talking about problems because we are problem people who have found a way up and out, and who wish to share that knowledge of that way with all who can use it."  P 125 12&12

In the Big Book and 12&12 the word "problem" or "problems" occurs 71 times - the word "solution" occurs 20 times.  How about them apples?

"What is the solution?"  "There is a solution."  "The tremendous fact for every one of us is that we have found a common solution."

Flowers versus Weeds, a cautionary Medieval morality play, circa 840 AD.
We have a little garden area outside of our home.  KK does the planting and arranging and I do the maintenance: watering and transplanting and weeding and such.  I often do a survey in the early morning and find myself looking for weeds to pull and dead branches to cull instead of appreciating the really pretty cool plants that we favor, plants that are well-adapted to our Mediterranean climate.  Problems, problems, problems.

I'm always scouring the literature for potential names for the death metal band - the Norwegian death metal band - that I'm thinking of starting even though I don't play any instruments and can't read music and have the worst, most toneless singing voice in the history of the world.  Still, the literature, full of Bill's writing, an odd mix of a repressed Victorian imagery mixed with an axe-swinging, mace-wielding, boiling-pot-of-hot-oil-pouring Medieval apocalyptic tone is full of excellent suggestions.

How about these:
Children Of Chaos
Chill Chokedamp of Fear
The Four Hideous Horsemen (the drawback here is that I'm going to be restricted to a four person band which isn't actually that bad - the old power hard rock ensemble: bass, guitar, drums, vocalist.  Think Led Zeppelin on methamphetamine.  No fucking organs allowed.)
The Tremendous Fact (this might be more of a wimpy prog rock band from the 80s - lots of denim and flannel and overwrought, emotional lyrics).

Chokedamp: (another word for blackdamp)  Blackdamp is an asphyxiant, reducing the available oxygen content of air to a level incapable of sustaining human or animal life. It is not a single gas but a mixture of unbreathable gases left after oxygen is removed from the air and typically consists of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.
Blackdamp would also be an excellent name for my band.

"A chill chokedamp of fear and frustration fell over the group." P 149 12&12

How about this for Problem versus Solution?  Love people for who they are and not for who you want them to be.

Yeah, ridiculous, right?  Take people and mold them into who you want them to be by exerting the tremendous force of your iron will.

THAT'S a fucking solution.

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