Saturday, May 16, 2020

Possibly, Plausibly, Probably

If I want to look on the bright side - a dicey proposition, that - I propose that negativity can be an asset, surely a good motivator.  The idea that what I've accomplished isn't quite enough, that I could have done more.  I shake my head, chuckling sadly, remembering sitting in my car after a sales call where I sold something and feeling dissatisfied that I didn't sell more.  This kind of thinking can be a burden but it can also drive accomplishment.

Possible: Able but not certain to happen; neither inevitable nor impossible.
Plausible: Conceivably true or likely.
Probable: Likely or most likely to be true; likely to happen.

I do run over, in my mind, a gratitude list and then intone a series of positive affirmations every morning in my Quiet Time and by "every morning" I mean "some of the time."  Every morning sounds better.  I try to think through what is possible and what is plausible and what is probable.  Everything is possible; some things are plausible; and fewer things yet are probable.  When I drift mentally into some future catastrophe it's helpful to step through these categories: can it happen?  how likely is it to happen? is it going to happen often?

I spend a lot of time in possible.  When I'm imagining catastrophe it's not the best place to reside.  There is a lot of wild, stupid stuff in possible.

Thought for a gravestone: "NOW I'm socially distanced."

Unique: Being the only one of its kind. (Ed. Note:  You cannot be very unique or a little unique or extremely unique.  You are unique . . . or you are not.)

I'm the Temporary Zoom Meeting Secretary for the Friday 12&12.  I can say with great certainty that I'm the only person in the world currently holding that position.  I am truly unique.

My friend Willie ran the meeting for me this week.  At the end of the meeting we pause for a moment for secretary announcements: who had anniversaries, were there any visitors, how to get a Big Book, that sort of stuff.  I never miss the opportunity to abuse people in front of other people.  If it's just you and me you've got a prayer to get out with fewer wounds but if there's an audience I let 'er rip.

"Willie is one of my oldest AA friends," I said.  "His technique is to call, talk about himself for 15 minutes, then tell me 'he's going to let me go.' "

SuperK said: "You shouldn't make up stuff like that."

Make up?

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