Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Norovirus V Seaweed

I started writing on this forum to talk about recovery.  Ostensibly.  It quickly morphed into me talking about myself while trying to figure out how to connect what I was writing to some vaguely recovery-themed reference.  I fail often but I try mightily.  I show up.  I get my cuts in.

That paragraph was a prelude.  A prelude to me talking about vomiting.  Vomiting is a funny topic when it's happening to someone else, less so when you are involved personally.  Some son of a bitch didn't wash his hands and then touched a door knob that I then touched while not washing my hands and I ended up vomiting.  This is not fair.  Someone else's poor hygiene always trumps my poor hygiene, making it their fault that I got sick, not mine.  I should add that I always have a couple of cookies out of the cookie container at the morning meeting - the same cookie container that the homeless people use to paw over every cookie to find the one that they like best.  I don't think they're washing their hands very often.

Most bouts of nausea and vomiting are caused by a simple norovirus which produces a toxin that your body expels double time.  I did note with some amusement that other possible causes are cancer, brain tumors, heart attacks, and in the early stages of pregnancy.

Vomiting is the forceful discharge of the stomach contents and it involves the small intestine and the esophagus as well.  Hell, maybe the gall bladder is involved.  Let's go ahead and throw the kitchen sink at this thing.  Seriously though, the physiology is that the stomach and small intestine contract powerfully while the esophagus remains tightly shut.  Then suddenly and all at once the esophagus and the esophagus only relaxes and allows the clenched stomach to discharge everything.  

There.  It doesn't sound so bad when it's presented clinically like that, now does it?

The sound effects of vomiting are not to be missed.  While I was actually hanging over the toilet I kept thinking: "Where are those growling wolf-like noises coming from?"  I don't think I could reproduce that sound.  I think there was a wolf in the bathroom while I vomited silently.

I have had two pieces of toast and four crackers in the last two days.

I realize this is a topic that is beneath me.  But, you got to admit, it's pretty funny.  I was giggling a little bit as I was writing about ME vomiting.

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