Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Bitch 'N' Play

Bitch:  To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.
Complain: To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment.

Yeah, I bitch.  There's no complaining going on in Seaweed's world - I'm not in it to find a solution.  I'm in it for the sheer, unadulterated joy of bitching.

Kenner - literally on his death bed - did neither.  He would not do it.  There were a few times when the pain was severe enough that he politely ended the conversation and signed off; other than that his demeanor was cheerful and upbeat.  I marveled each time I got done with the call - I was sure I was seeing the results of a true spirituality.  Taking what was given in a spirit of gratitude.  It was a remarkable performance.  Or maybe he really, really, really liked the morphine.  Naw, it was the spirituality.  No doubt about it.

This is the last joke I ever told him.  It's not classic Little Jonny  but it sufficed.

This dude is in bed when he's awakened by his alarm clock.  He reaches over to turn the thing off and the knob comes off in his hand.  After he manages to get the alarm silenced he walks over to the closet to get a pair of pants, and the door handle comes off in his hand.  He's shaking his head by now but figures that maybe a cup of coffee would get things headed in the right direction but when he picks up the pot the handle breaks off.

"Wow," his wife laughs, bemused.  "Now what are you going to do?"

(Ken is roaring already: "I can see where this is going," he shouts.)

"I don't know," the dude says.  "But I don't think I'm going to go to the bathroom."

I always wondered what people were thinking as they walked by the room of a patient dying of prostate cancer and heard the sounds of a grown man giggling.

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