Sunday, July 27, 2014

It IS Me

Whenever someone asks me how I'm doing my response is always a variation on a very small theme: as in, "I'm trying to stay out of my own way" or "whenever I think someone or something else is the problem I go look in the mirror."

It IS me.  It is ALWAYS me.  I get into trouble when I try to take charge of a person, place, or thing which is none of my business, an activity that I do way, way too often.  When I can shut my brain off or at least slow it down then a wonderful vista open up and I see how totally, completely, outrageously blessed I am.

I had SuperK's car again today when I went to the club.  Deciding to avoid unnecessary confrontation, after looking in the mirror, I took my ID with me.  I was not, of course, asked to provide it today.

I did some more research on the type of cancer I'm sure I've contracted or developed or generated through sheer force of will.  Here are the facts: there are 310 million people in this country and about 100,000 cases were diagnosed last year.  This is a really, really small percentage.  I'm a math guy and I'm barely able to figure out how small a percentage this is.  Suffice it to say I have about the same chance of actually getting this disease as I have of getting eaten by a shark.  

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