Sunday, September 15, 2013

Future World

Future:  The time ahead; those moments yet to be experienced.

I'm heading home - The Old City home - for about a week.  I'm getting pre-riled up about the visit.  This is what I do - imagine future problems, in the future.  I try never to pass up an opportunity to be miserable.  I have family to see - painful obligations, to my thinking - and friends to catch up with.  My expectations can be found somewhere past the outermost ring of Saturn.

A trap I fall into is deciding how my family should receive me, deciding what they should want me to do, how the visit should proceed.  This is a trap of my own making.  I'm the guy walking around, howling in pain, my paw caught  in a large spring-loaded bear trap marked: "Danger: Property of Little Stevie Seaweed,"  still clutching the cookie I used to bait a trap to catch myself.  

I enjoy imagining how other people should behave.  It's not productive.  The fact of the matter is that I annoy the hell out of my sister for a whole variety of reasons, most of them things that I can't change or won't.  Many of them are very annoying things.  And my parents - old and set in their ways, living in a small house - would love for me to stop by for an hour or so twice a week rather than compacting a whole year's worth of visits into 6 days.

It is, I believe that I've mentioned, all about me.

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