Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Instincts on Rampage

Rampage - (n); a course of violent, frenzied action.
                    (v); to move about wildly or violently.

I try to never take action when my emotions are running high.  Instincts on rampage balk at investigation. And  I don't make much distinction between "good" emotions and "bad" emotions, either.  If I'm angry or depressed or really, really excited I try to wait a couple of beats and let my brain become at least marginally involved.  My head can provide some valuable advice to my heart.

And I try not to run away from those bad feelings.  They're not going to kill me.  They don't have knives or machine guns.  I don't have to make them go away.  I can sit quietly and look at them for a while.  When they're out in the bright sunlight they don't look so fearsome.  They're just thoughts.  They're just electrical impulses in my head.  They're barely real.  They certainly don't have any teeth or claws.

I don't know what's good for me and I don't know what's bad for me.  All I know is that I need to take good action to the best of my ability.

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