Friday, October 7, 2011

Reviewing Reviewing Rehearsing Rehearsing

When I'm feeling especially clever I spend my time in The Past and in The Future.  In The World According to Horseface he Present is a very borrrrrring! place indeed.   Anybody can hang out in The Present.  There's nothing cool going on there.  It's full of work and bathing and listening to tedious people drone on and on, often about how uninteresting The Present is.

Review:  To view again; look at, look over, or study again; to look back on; view in retrospect.

The Past is a powerful source of painful memories.  I can inspect burned bridges, ruined relationships, and crashed careers.  I can analyze my behavior.  I can come up with something better than what I came up with it at the time, or I can worry that what I came up with was taken the wrong way.  Plenty of things to obsess over in The Past.

I can spend time looking in The Past reviewing, reviewing, reviewing . . .

Rehearse:  To perform for practice, as a play, etc.  in preparation for a formal or public performance.   (Director, anyone?)

I can also choose to mine The Future for problems waiting to happen.  Because The Future, by definition, has not yet happened, it is a rich mother lode of disaster.  How many hours of conversations have I had with people who weren't present, preparing for something that never happened?  More than one, less that a million, closer to one than to the other, can you guess which one?

I can spend time in The Future rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing . . .

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