Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Spandex, Redux

I have been off my writing game the last few weeks.  This either means that things are going incredibly well or just the opposite.  I'll let you make that call.

To celebrate this re-emergence I'm going to dedicate the entire post to dictating, word for word, something that is going on in the life of my friend Spandex, something that he shared with me in the greatest, most secret-ist confidence.  

Oh, wait, I just lost interest in that.

Actually, I've been thinking about how important it is for me to take the long view.  I too easily get caught up in what's in my head right now, certain that the way things are at the moment is never going to change when, in fact, change is the only thing that is certain.  That, and incoming salvos from SuperK.  Those are pretty regular, too.

Somehow I have to make sure my belief that staying in the minute, being where I am, is the best way to get through life in one piece lines up with this knowledge that I have to have some perspective, future-wise, with the ever-changing nature of my life.  A lot of Yin and Yang in this Fellowship stuff.  It makes my head get dangerously close to exploding if I think about it too much.

I like the idea of visualizing a trek up a steep, rocky trail, the goal being to get to the top of Mt. Not That High.  I don't want to spend all of my time staring at my feet plodding along, with all of the rocks and everything.  Every now and then I need to look up to see where I'm going to end up, the goal, the treat, the pay-off, otherwise it's just rock, rock, rock, etc etc.  But then again I can't be looking up all of the time or I'll trip over a rock or fall off a ledge.

Little of this, little of that.

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