Sunday, June 4, 2017

Bruce, Driving Very Fast

So I'm still parking the new car a couple of blocks away from the meeting.  It's not that I'm embarrassed at the extravagance of a new car but that I try to be low-key in the display of my appetites for, after all, most of us over-indulge at something from time to time.  I think some of this has to do with growing up in a conservative area of the country in a conservative family who attended a conservative as shit church.  Self-promotion was not viewed kindly.  I run into people at meetings who manage to work in the length of their sobriety or where they live or what they did for a living or . . . yes . . . what kind of car they have.  Humblebrag I believe they call it.   You know the sort: "I've had a very difficult week - my Ferrari mechanic has moved out of the area."  If the food in First Class isn't up to snuff those of us wedged into the death coffins passing for seating in coach are not going to be able to dredge up very much sympathy.

So back to my homeless guy, Bruce.  I believe I've written about Bruce - he gently panhandles at the entrance to the parking lot of my coffee shop.  I usually talk to him when I pass by, throwing him a buck or two more often than not.  He sees me enough that he commented one day when I drove SuperK's car instead of my own.

Now the new car.  Frankly, I'm embarrassed enough that I'm actually driving out of my way to take an exit directly opposite from the one I want to take just so Bruce doesn't see me in the new car.  I'm aware that this is fairly ridiculous.  I'm avoiding a homeless guy that I've taken the time to get to know because I don't want him to judge my motives in buying a new ca

I will say this: if I have an accident in my attempts to avoid Bruce I'm coming back to take the repair bill out of his hide.

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