Monday, November 30, 2015

Restless, Restless Seaweed

Squander:  To waste, lavish, splurge; to spend lavishly or profusely. 

The Free-Floating Anxiety Syndrome is alive and well this morning!  I'm so proud to report that - it shows just how far I have progressed in my quest to become a Spiritual Giant. Indeed, more of a Spiritual Giant than I already am, and I am massive as it is.  The fact that I actually have an upcoming experience that may be the reasonable cause of the anxiety is cold comfort to me.  I spent some time looking back through my Anxiety List this morning, reviewing what exactly has made me anxious over the last two years.  It is a whole lot of the same stuff, I'll tell you that.  While there are a few things on there that seem justified it's mostly mundane things that I turn over and over and over in my head, seeming to enjoy the discomfort.  

That being said I do have to remember that anxiety is pretty common in society - it's we alcoholics who have taken it to an art form.  "To the precise extent that we permit these, do we squander the hours that might have been worth while."

There's a line somewhere in our literature that suggests that the amount of time we spend in self-pity, worry, remorse, and self-seeking introspection is the exact amount of time that we've squandered in our quest to be of service to our fellow man.

Restless, restless Seaweed.  I admit to possessing the knowledge that I could evade some of this discomfort by hunkering down and doing the same, safe, comfortable things that I always do.  

Not happening.  Climbing back onto my Conestoga wagon again in a few days, and dragging my poor wife with me.

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