Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Action Seaweed

Results:  The conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect.

God, help me do what I'm supposed to do, help me wait patiently when I'm not supposed to do anything, and let me know which is which.

My default setting is to be afraid.  My history is to let fear stop me from doing something that needs to be done.  Or I let fear spur me into ill-advised actions that are best left undone, at least for a while.  And I have no idea which is which.  Guess what kind of results I get from my behavior?

I am not in the results business anymore - I'm in the action business.  I do what my conscience tells me to do, or not to do, and I leave it at that.  How it works out, especially in the short run, is none of my business.  It is what it is.  I have no idea how my life is going to work out.  I find that stuff I think is bad ends up being good and stuff that I think is bad ends up being good.

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