Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An Undisciplined Lot

Discipline:  Training that develops self-control, character, or orderliness and efficiency.

Part of the discussion concerning the practice of meditation centered on the chairman's frustration with the mundane.  He had just gotten back from a long motorcycle road trip across the country.  He mumbled a few things about making amends and seeing old friends but I suspect this was mostly an adventure, and I don't say that disparagingly.  A good vacation in the offing for me is indicated when I feel like throwing up on the plane because of the stress of the unknown.  Anyway, making time for a methodical, disciplined period of meditation doesn't always match up with our desire for over-stimulus.  But that's how it works, like most things in The Program.  We are encouraged not to over-think while being encouraged to over-act.

"Just sit down in a chair with a cup of coffee for 10 minutes in the morning.  That's your quiet time.  Quit bitching about it," my sponsor said.  (Ed. note:  I don't think my sponsor said much of what I attribute to him.  I didn't call him enough to get all of this pithy advice.)

More reflection on gratitude for the routine.

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