Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nowadays, Anon.

Egocentric:  Viewing everything in relation to oneself.

I'm so self-absorbed that I can't even contemplate how self-absorbed I am.  I can see when other people are riddled with character defects but have a strange blind spot when I'm similarly afflicted.  It's against my nature to accept the blame for anything.  And as always criticism of others is more enjoyable than trying to find my part in things. 

I have always associated egotism with noisy, outgoing people who have a big need to be stage center, playing to a packed house.  While that's a very recognizable form of egotism, it's by no means the only kind.  Cheerful extroverts can be as humble as the next guy.  As a life-long introvert, I harbor a secret resentment against those outgoing types.  So needy, so hungry for attention.

Today I think that it's more about the mind set than the actions.  I can sit quietly in the corner, in a trench coat, behind a potted plant, hat pulled down over my ears, lost in my own thoughts, thinking furiously about what I want or don't want, oblivious to the rest of the world, humble in appearance only but in reality consumed with myself to the exclusion of all other life forms.

Oh, the curse of the outgoing, self-absorbed introvert.

"Self-centered -- ego-centric, as people like to call it nowadays."

1 comment:

The Sanity Inspector said...

You have a self, same as everyone else. Don't fret about it.

And apologies if my parachute comment is misdirected. But everything can be acquired in solitude, except character. In solitude, you scarcely even know if you're honest or not. Let this passing stranger encourage you to try harder to get outside your comfort zone.