Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Visual Horseface

I have a fondness for trying to visualize myself from a vantage point other than inside of my own head.  There isn't much room to back up and take an objective look at things in there.  It's a pretty small space.  There's a lot of noise, too, machinery and dive bombing Stukas and weapons being discharged.  It's very bright and fast.  There are hundreds of strobe-lights blinking wildly.

I can't seem to think in there.

I like to let my essence loose so it can float up above my body for a better vantage point.  Not way, way above my body -- that would be ridiculous -- but 5 or 6 feet or so.  Mostly I see this pleasant horse-faced guy sipping coffee and reading the newspaper, friends stopping by to chat, eating a snack from time to time.  He doesn't seem to be under too much pressure.  It doesn't look too bad, actually.

"I wish I had that guy's life," I think.

Usually, I catch myself.

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