Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Need More Stuff

Stuff: Worthless objects; refuse; junk.

My skepticism with The Promises is burning with a white hot heat today. I'm choking on the idea that I can be happy by dedicating my life to the happiness and well-being of others and by continuing to foster a deeper, more profound relationship with my concept of a Higher Power. It feels like I have a big chicken bone stuck in my craw. Not a little stuck, either, but wedged in there sideways and caught on my epiglottis. I'm horking and hacking and it's not going anywhere.

Surely I can be happy by pursuing my own wants. Things. That's the key. If I just keep accumulating more things then I will discover the meaning of life. I will break through and experience nirvana. You don't have to do all of that yoga crap or experiment with transcendental meditation to discover where happiness resides. It's stuff.

I can see that in our society that the happiest people have the best possessions. A good indicator of satisfaction is the size and cost of one's automobile. You are very happy if you have an expensive car. You will become more miserable with a small car and the pain will increase as the thing ages. If you take the bus, you might as well give up and resign yourself to a life of misery.

Get more stuff!

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