Thursday, November 26, 2020

Seaweed: Ruler of the Universe

One of the big drawbacks to Zoom A.A. is that we have lost the face-to-face contact that is so important and wonderful and fulfilling.  I miss in-person meetings but am not willing to take the risk of getting sick, as small as that might be.  My 33 years of sobriety does provide me with some capital and I feel for new people who are missing out on the electricity and humor in a room full of recovering addicts and alcoholics.  Conversely, if you've had enough to drink you can get sober.  That sounds kind of detached and harsh but getting sober is no walk in the park whatever your circumstances are.  People live in foreign countries and small, remote towns and cold, unforgiving climates and still get sober.  I'm empathetic . . . to a degree.

My big morning meeting is full of contention.  This is A.A. after all - someone is always going to be bitching about something.  There have been a group of people who complain about Zoom and complain about wearing masks and complain and complain and complain.  It's all very predictable and tiresome.  A few of the Head Bitchers have found a place that is willing to let them have inside in-person meetings.  I fail to see the wisdom in doing this right as The Virus is really spreading but - once again - I have given up trying to run the world.

The funny thing is that I don't miss any of these people.  There always seems to be a frisson of grievance wafting about them.  They always seem to get a little low-key bitching in every time they talk although they try to hide it under a cloak of good will.

Passive-Aggressive:  of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation, as in procrastinating, pouting, or misplacing important materials.  (Ed. Note: I LOVE passive-aggressive behavior.  It allows me to be pissed while pretending that I'm not.  I get to enjoy the best of both worlds.)

I am pretending that this behavior isn't affecting me but I'm often thinking about their behavior, holding imaginary conversations in my mind where I deftly point out how fucking stupid their behavior is.

Once God makes me Ruler of the Universe I'll get all this crap sorted out.

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