Thursday, December 29, 2016

Where's That Knife?

One of the things that I added to my Quiet Time each day while I was traveling was a reminder to try to keep my acceptance high and my expectations low.  You would think that such a basic tenet of The Fellowship might be more of a regular participant in my prayer life but I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  I'm pretty sharp, too, but a lot of the time I'm not even in the drawer.  I'm the knife that you can never find. 

"Where's that fucking knife, anyway?" people are always saying.

A few months ago I started to recite the Serenity Prayer in the morning, too.  You know the one I'm talking about?  The most famous prayer in the history of our Fellowship?  It's a pretty good prayer.  It has been helpful.  Maybe I should have been thinking about doing what I'm supposed to do and waiting when I've done everything I can do and trying to figure out which is which like thirty years ago.

It was a good trip but it's good to be home, too.

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