Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fright Masks and Such

Seriously:  Without humor or expression of happiness; grave in manner or disposition.

Whatever it is - it isn't that important.  At least it's not as important as you think it is.  Of all the things that have happened in my life I would estimate I've had like 19 important things happen out of 17 billion or so.  Even things that are important often lose their potency more quickly than we'd think.

It's not the end of the world.  Quit taking  yourself so seriously.  You're not that important.  It's not that big a deal.

I got up early to attend my 7AM meeting a few days ago and was amused to see that my hair was mostly sticking straight up in the air.  Because it doesn't take much to encourage me I used a little water to complete the Fright Mask look.  My appearance resembled a cartoon character who has seen something really horrifying - the hair springs straight up and then stays frozen in place.   Many normal people would correct this look, preferring a normal appearance.  I fucked around with my hair to make it look even weirder.  In fact, I was so impressed with the hairstyle that I decided to forgo my normal morning pork pie hat.  (Ed. Note: If you forgo something in the past did you forwent it?  Please research.)

At this large meeting no one said anything to me, aware that I'm apt to do the occasional odd thing.  One guy mumbled something about a comb but that was about it.  A number of people censured me for not wearing a hat.  Maybe this was because my hair looked so ridiculous but more likely the culprit was that I always have a hat on.

After the meeting a new dude came up to me.  This dude is really new and he's not, at the moment, playing with a full deck.  I'm always talking to people like this.  My service work for the group includes getting to the meeting early and standing near the smoking area for 20 minutes or so.  New people are usually still smoking.  Let me tell you this - there are some real characters out on those church steps.  I get more recovery out of the insanity filling that space than I do out of the meeting that follows.

Dude (quite seriously): "Where do you get your hair cut?"

Seaweed:  Along the lines of "whatever barber I happen to be passing when the mood strikes me."

Dude: "How much to do you pay?"

Seaweed: $20.

Dude: "You should come see me.  I'll do it for half that.  I'm a barber.  That's what I do.  I'm staying at John's (Ed. Note: a local half-way house.)"

Normally when someone approaches me at a meeting for a hand-out or to shill for a product or service - which doesn't happen very often - I'm firm in my refusal and clear about my reasoning while trying to maintain an attitude of compassion and kindness.  

But this time I was laughing too hard to myself to say anything.

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