Monday, November 13, 2017

Hunter Cat

Hunt: To chase down prey and (usually) kill it.

Again I apologize for the written version of what passes for a cat video presentation.  I'm supposed to do this writing and, frankly, this animal had as big an impact on my life as any human ever has.  Pet lovers, animal lovers will understand this.  

Two more games that fall more in the Hunting category than in the Warring category: The Strafe and The Tag.

The Strafe was most memorable on the wood flooring in our last house.  When The Wheeze executed The Strafe she sounded like a freight train.  I honestly don't know how an animal that probably didn't weigh five pounds could make that much noise.  It was frightening.  It sounded like there was a tornado approaching.  It sounded like she was stomping around in heavy boots.  

The Strafe occurred when a person entered a room - The Wheeze would blast out of some hiding place and streak by right in front of you, so close that you had to resort to a stutter step to avoid running into her.  It surprised me and made me laugh every time.  She thought she was in an F-16 doing a fly-by.  I believe that she broke the speed of sound a few times.

The Tag was in the same family as The Strafe but with more sinister implications.  The Tag was a strafe from the rear - as The Wheeze blew by she'd throw up a paw to give the back of your leg a whack.  Sometimes she'd stop and throw her feet around your legs and bite a calf or ankle.  She didn't use her teeth often and never with evil intent but she wasn't above sinking an incisor into flesh on occasion.  The damage that occurred came from my attempts to avoid the teeth - she'd have a light chomp going on as I was trying to extract a body part from the area.  It was more of a shredding than a biting.

Still . . . blood.

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