Sunday, September 18, 2011

Horseface Steve -- Eater of Fruit

More Big Picture musing from a Big Picture guy . . . 

I enjoy sitting outside on my front porch, reading and watching the odd world of The New City stream by.  Also, I like to snoop on my neighbors.  I like to wave at people and say hello and make a stab at something marginally amusing with varying degrees of success.  I know most of the people who live in the nearby apartments and houses well enough to say hidy-ho.

There's a young couple across the street who did a lot of work putting in a pretty impressive garden in a laughably small space.  Most of the stuff made sense to me -- tomatoes, greens, squash -- and a few things made me chuckle.  Corn?  In a geranium pot?  I can see tomatoes from across the street but I don't think anybody is going to be eating fresh corn unless they get it at the store.

Anyway, they walked over and handed me a small container of cherry tomatoes a few nights ago.  I was touched at the gesture.  And the timing was perfect because we were having a salad for dinner that night; those tomatoes got scarfed down.  The next morning I found another container of tomatoes on my front porch, with a note.  It was mostly in text-speak so I have no idea what the note said but I'm hoping it was nice.  Maybe it said: "I hope you choke on these poisoned tomatoes you dirty %$!!."  I don't think so but you never can tell.

The point is that all these folks did was give me some extra fruit that was going to end up on the ground, probably.  Being a Big Picture guy I'm found of splashy excess, not a simple life lived simply.  Those delicious tomatoes were a delicious reminder to be nice all the time.  You never know what's going to make a real difference.

I'm keeping the note.  It was sweet.  It was a small gesture.  And I could read it.  Most of it.

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